Our Commitments

Organic Agriculture / HVE 3 / ISO 14001 Standard Certified

Organic Agriculture Certification

Logo de la certification Agriculture biologique.

Since 2022, we have been certified as an Organic Agriculture producer. We proudly display this label, which means we do not use synthetic chemicals and instead, use ingredients from organic production.

Organic agriculture aims to reconcile humans with the Earth, their soil, and the plants grown in it.

We are more attentive, responsive, and conscious of the needs of our vineyard, and more respectful of the environment around us.

Advantages of Organic Agriculture

  • Preservation of biodiversity and ecological balance of the soil.
  • Improvement in grape and wine quality due to more natural farming practices.
  • Reduction of soil erosion due to sustainable agricultural practices.
  • Protection of local ecosystems.

HVE 3 Certification

Logo de la certification HVE 3 (Haute Valeur Environnementale).

This standard involves a progressive approach set up by the partners of the Grenelle Environment Round Table and defined in the decree n°2011-694 of June 20, 2011. The High Environmental Value certification is built around 4 themes:

  • Biodiversity
  • phytosanitary strategy
  • fertilization management
  • and water resource management.

Advantages of HVE 3 Certification

  • Improvement of environmental performance by reducing environmental impact
  • Highlighting our environmental commitment to our partners, suppliers, distributors, and consumers, while enhancing their confidence
  • Going at one’s own pace in environmental certification
  • Meeting environmental requirements of customers and stakeholders
  • Involving all staff in a unifying project
  • Comparing the evolution of environmental impact from year to year.

ISO 14001 Standard

Logos de certifications : SME (Système de management environnemental du vin de Bordeaux) et ISO 14001 (AFAQ, certification environnementale d'AFNOR).

To realize this commitment and in the interest of international recognition, we have been certified to ISO 14001 since 2013 under the Bordeaux Environmental Management System. Our approach is reflected in a rigorous and demanding policy, which is based on 4 main themes: Promoting preventive actions in the vineyard and the cellar to limit pollution, recycling and sorting all waste related to our activity, controlling our water and energy consumption, protecting biodiversity through the preservation and maintenance of wooded areas, hedges, and ditches, and implementing procedures for raising awareness of our interventions towards our close environment, water points, and neighbourhoods.


Security and traceability

Château Perron provides its bottles with a new technology

The Tesa VeoMark®. It constitutes an advanced anti-counterfeiting protection and an effective traceability of our wines. It provides more security through clear and unique authentication per bottle, based on visible and hidden identification characteristics.


  • The holographic stamp guarantees the origin of the wine and the place of production.
  • The QR code allows you to obtain information on the wine tasted and on the life of our winery.


Scan the QR code with your smartphone

Enter the codes

located above the QR code.

Verify the ID code

The authentication code written vertically on the right of the QR code on the VeoMark®. Validate the authentication code.

Compare the Tesa VeoMark

The Tesa VeoMark on the bottle must be identical to the one displayed on your smartphone screen.

In case of non-conformity, you can contact the Château. The QR code allows you to enter a web interface to access our property’s web environments, such as technical sheets through the website, different events, tasting notes, social media interfaces, etc.